Become an EBCFPRS diplomate

The European Benchmark of Excellence in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

EBCFPRS Board Certification is the European Benchmark of Excellence in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Welcome to the EBCFPRS

Our Mission

The European Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (EBCFPRS) was founded in 2013 with a clear mission: to strengthen the quality of facial plastic surgery accessible to the European public by rigorously assessing the qualifications of aspiring surgeons against recognized standards.

Among the core endeavors of the EBCFPRS is the administration of the European Board Exam in Facial Plastic Surgery. This two-day exam is annually hosted in Hohenkammer, Germany in collaboration with the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS).

Questions undergo thorough field testing and are selected only when they have shown an accurate correlation with expert knowledge. The oral part of the exam is conducted by senior examiners from both Europe and the United States. Over a three-hour period, candidates are presented with a total of 12 case scenarios. To ensure fairness and the utmost reliability of the exam results, senior board examiners have a full day training sesion prior to the exam, to ensure maximum fairness and reliability of the exam results. Both the written and the oral results are subject to rigorous quality control.

The exam constitutes only one part of the certification process. Candidates, pursuing either the regular or the fellow track, are required to submit 100 relevant surgical cases within a span of 2 years (50 per year). This surgical experience, as well as all other requirements is reviewed by expert board members. After all requirements are met, successful candidates are provided with a certificate and the title of “EBCFPRS Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon“.

Unlocking the Gateway to Certification

Why Opt for the EBCFPRS Exam?

The EBCFPRS Exam stands as a pivotal choice for aspiring Facial Plastic Surgeons seeking unparallelled certification in Europe. Distinctive by its exclusivity, this exam only, once succesfully navigated, unlocks the gateway to certification in Facial Plastic Surgery conferred by the esteemed International Board for Certification in Facial Plastic Surgery (IBCFPRS).

Setting an international benchmark, candidates are required to demonstrate their skills at a level equivalent to their counterparts in the United States pursuing board certification by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS). Notably, the EBCFPRS Exam is identical in its rigor and standards of the ABCFPRS exam, a testament to its meticulous development over four decades of psychometric evaluation and a substantial investment exceeding 9 million US Dollars.

This is an exam designed for the best in the field.
Opt for EBCFPRS certification and elevate your professional standing by joining
the esteemed league of Diplomates in the European and International Board for Certification in
Facial Plastic Surgery. Your journey to excellence begins here!


Become an EBCFPRS diplomate

How to apply for the exam

Candidates who seek EBCFPRS certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery must have completed specialty board certification in Otorhinolaryngology or in General Plastic Surgery in Europe.

Candidates who were trained outside Europe, are expected to sit the International Board (IBCFPRS) exam in Washington, USA. However, those candidates who wish to sit the equivalent EBCFPRS exam in Hohenkammer (Germany), can apply. Acceptance of these applications are evaluated on an individual basis by the IBCFPRS.

Please note that the EBCFPRS exam is the only exam in Europe that is recognized by the IBCFPRS and that there is no other exam that parallels IBCFPRS standards.

Please apply by completing the application form, which can be downloaded below.

Fellow track

ENT surgeons and General Plastic Surgeons who have completed their specialist training in Europe and undertaken an EBCFPRS recognized fellowship are eligible to sit the EBCFPRS exam, within one year after completing the fellowship.

Completing the fellowship and passing the EBCFPRS exam are two parts of the certification process. After this, candidates must submit 100 consecutive personal FPS operative case records performed in independent practice. These cases undergo a thorough board review. Once all mandatory criteria are met, EBCFRPS board certification is granted.


  • The 2025 EBCFPRS exam
    dates are July 12-13.

    Applications for 2026 are open.

  • For additional details regarding the written and oral examinations, please reach out to Dr. Morera Serna at

  • Exam location: Schloss Hohenkammer, Germany
  • We are delighted to witness a growing number of facial plastic surgeons opt for the globally unparalleled standard in FPS certification!

    In 2024, we had 16 candidates during the 11th European examination.

Regular track

ENT surgeons and General Plastic Surgeons who have completed their specialist training but did not complete a fellowship, may also apply for the EBCFPRS exam.

First, 100 consecutive personal FPS operative case records performed in independent practice within a span of 2-years need to be submitted. Following a thorough evaluation and approval of these cases by the EBCPRS, the candidate becomes eligible to sit the exam in Hohenkammer. The criteria for certification include successfully passing both the written and oral parts of the European Board exam.

Learn more

The Board

The EBCFPRS is governed by an International Executive Board and Board of Directors.

Abel Jan Tasman


St. Gallen, Switzerland

Dirk Jan Menger


Utrecht, The Netherlands

Frank Datema


Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Holger Gassner

Immediate Past-President

Regensburg, Germany

Eduardo Morera Serna

Chair of Credentialing

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Haneen Sadick

Co-Chair Database Management

Mannheim, Germany

Barbara Kofler

Co-Chair of Credentialing (Regular Track)

Innsbruck, Austria

Julian Rowe Jones

Chair of International Relations

Guildford, United Kingdom

Ben Hunter


St. Gallen, Switzerland

Santdeep Paun

Senior Advisor (non-voting)

London, United Kingdom

Peter Adamson

Senior Advisor (non-voting)

Toronto, Canada

Laurie Wirth

Advisor (non-voting)

Washington DC, USA

EBCFPRS Board Certification is the European Benchmark of Excellence in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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